Favorite Netflix TV Shows

My 3 favorite Netflix TV shows currently are Friends, The Office, and Stranger Things. I love these TV shows because they are very funny. The Office is just dry comedy, and I find it hilarious. Friends has a story to it, yet it is funny as well. Stranger things isn't as funny as the others; it is suspenseful, yet it has its funny moments. Out of the 3, my ultimate favorite is Stranger Things.

I just finished Stranger Things, and I really got into it. At first, I was reluctant to watch it because I don't like scary shows or movies. Everyone said they loved it, so I tried one episode and I fell in love. The show has an interesting plot and it is very unexpected. One thing I don't like about TV shows it that sometimes they are very predictable. Stranger Things is not and I admire that about the show. If you guys haven't seen the series, I totally recommend it. Even if you are not a fan of scary movies and stuff, it is worth watching the first movie. Once you start, you can't stop!


  1. I like Stranger Things too! I've already watched it like ten times!

  2. I also love Stranger Things because it is not predictable. I think Friends is also one of my favorite because of Phoebe. I'm glad you decided to face your fear and watch Stranger Things.


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