My Favorites

Favorite Type of Food: Korean food. I love the variety of dishes, and the soups are really good. Korean food is usually spicy, so enjoy that a lot.

Favorite Sport: Horseback Riding. This sport is amazing because you get to connect with the horse that you are riding. There are many disciplines in the horse world, but I do equitation and hunters. Equitation is where you jump, and they judge your position on the horse. Hunters is also where you jump, but they judge the horse and the way you control it. This sport is also very physically challenging. It engages your core, inner knee and thigh, and your arms. 

Favorite City (that I have visited so far): Vancouver. First of all, the weather is gorgeous. It was nice and cool with a breeze the whole time we were there. It also has cool attractions, like the Buchart Gardens, Capilano Suspension Bridge, and Grandville Island. Also, Stanley Park is very pretty. It is also great for biking around!

Favorite Hobby: Taking pictures. Photography is my favorite hobby. I take photos on trips, of animals, my family, and nature! This lets me capture priceless memories that won't forget. I am also pretty good at photography, and my favorite thing to take pictures of is my dog. 


  1. I love horseback riding as well, I used to take riding lessons but I stopped going one day and I really regret it. I also like Korean food but I don't really like really spicy Korean food.

  2. I love Korean food, but only non-spicy food. Also, I really wish I have been to Vancouver, but I haven't. It looks beautiful though!


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