Dear Seven Year Old...

Save your writing assignments!

This might sound weird, but trust me, let me explain. One reason you should save your writing assignments, whether its journals or a couple sentences, is because you get to step into your shoes when you were young. For example, you might have wanted to be a treasure hunter back then, so if you saved the journals, you can see what you wrote and see how silly you sounded. Also, you can see how cute you were. I misspelled a lot of words. For example I spelled "presents" like "prezants" and "pizza" like "pitsa." I miss the good old days where spelling didn't count.

Play a musical instrument!

This can help you in the long run. Even if its piano, and playing simple scales, music can help you with learning how to play other instruments in the future. Also, you might have practice a lot. I know little kids don't like to practice, I've been there. But, just practicing 10 minutes a day can help you in the future. Finally, music can help your brain develop. Studies have shown that playing an instrument improves your cognitive skills, and you can play your instrument forever. This is something you will never forget how to do. 


  1. I agree with your second point! Music can help your brain devlop.

  2. I agree with saving your old assignments! This can help you to save good memories and it is always fun to look back at your old work from when you were little!


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