Dialogue: If My Dog Could Talk

"Woof, Woof! C'mon Ellie, I want some breakfast!" says Izze.

"Izze, I just woke up, can you keep it down a little?" I said groggily.

"Ok but please feed me!"

"Fine, here you go," I said as I scoop the kibbles into her bowl.

 A few minutes later, I hear the bell ring.

"Ellie, I am ready to go to the bathroom!" she exclaims as she rings the bell again.

"Alright, I'm coming."

After I take her outside she says, "Can I pleaseeeeee have more food?"

"Izze, if I feed you too much you will get fat! Then, you can't run around and chase the squirrels."

"True. Can I at least have a treat?"

"Fine. Sit."

Izze sits.

"Down. Rollover. Good girl!"

"Mmmm, thank you thank you thank you!" she says as she munchers the treats down.

"Okay, now I have to put you in your crate because I have to leave for school!"

Izze sighs, "Okay, I will miss you! Come back soon!"


  1. This is pretty much how my dog would talk too! All he wants to do is eat and play. Even though he's a big dog, he jumps up on my bed, stepping all over me, and licks me in the face to wake me up. He's so cute!

  2. In your dialogue, you had really creative ideas and your story flowed well. My dogs would probably say the same thing if they could talk! Good job!


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