With Malice: Digging Deeper

With Malice is about a girl named Jill who got into a car accident in Italy and kills her best friend. She wakes up in a hospital bed with no memory of what has happened over the last six weeks. In this novel, I love how Cook reveals information little by little in the form of online articles. In the book, many people are twisting the stories on the media as they receive new information. Cook makes the articles more interesting as the book progresses. Also, the ending of every chapter leaves you hanging. This makes me always wanting to read more and makes the book more suspenseful and interesting.

As the book progresses, Jill remembers more and more about the accident because additional info is being provided to her. I love how Cook slowly reveals info about the accident, so we have to keep guessing if she murdered her best friend or not. I can't wait to read the rest of the book to see what happens to Jill at the end!


  1. Hey Ellie! I really love the way you described the book and the plot. The way you described it makes me want to read it!


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