Human Nature

I believe humans and fundamentally good, flawed, and full of possibility. I don't think humans would intentionally be bad to someone or something. But, that doesn't mean it happens because we are flawed. Nobody is perfect; but we all have our strengths and weaknesses. If we all come together, all of us humans will fit together like a puzzle piece--One just have to find the piece that fits with them. This can open up the endless possibilities humans can do. Humans have no limits. If you think about it, we have accomplishment things. We have travel to space, invented helpful technology, and many more things. 

My religion and family experiences have led me to these beliefs. In the Bible, Adam and Eve and flawed. They are tempted to pick the fruit from the tree, and they get cast out of the Garden by God. Another example of this could be whenever my brother needs help with his homework. I help him with school work, and he even helps me sometimes. We work together, and this can lead to endless possibilities. I believe humans are good because of the experience I see around me. During the flood, everyone got together to help each other and the community. Also, when I am at school, people do little things like holding the door and saying hi to me. This makes my day whenever I am having a bad one, and I do the same for others. 


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