The Future of Us

My current outside reading book is The Future of Us by Jay Asher and Carolyn Mackler. It is about two high schoolers finding Facebook, but Facebook is 15 years in the future. They soon figure out that they can change their future by doing things in the present. So far, this book is amazing. I love how the authors make the two characters awkward around each other in the beginning, so they can slowly bond as they discover more about Facebook. Also, the book is funny. I love when book have a funny element to them because it makes it more enjoyable.

Also, I love how she adds in allusions that we would know, but the characters in the book don't. For example, she talks about Netflix and Harry Potter, but the characters don't know what that is because they are in the past. Finally, The Future of Us is very interesting because the authors add side plots. For example, Kellan, the main character Emma's best friend, is in an on and off relationship with Tyson, the main character Josh's best friend. This makes the book more complex and intriguing to read.


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