Purple Hibiscus

Purple Hibiscus is a very complex yet engaging novel. The novel is set in Nigeria, and its about a young girl named Kambili and her family life; the storyline revolves around Palm Sunday. I have decided to track Kambili's coming of age throughout the novel. I haven't seen much about her yet because she is very reserve, but I hope to learn more about her soon. One thing I love about Adichie's writing is the fact that she hints and reveals information about characters in a complex way; one has to really analyze the text to figure out the hidden meaning.

Second, I like how Adichie adds in many different types of character mixed with a complex story line. First, she makes a character like Papa who is uptight and structured. Although I do not like Papa because he is an abusive and close minded man, I admire how Adichie has a character like that. To contrast Papa, Adichie adds in a character like Aunty Ifeoma who is very open minded and relaxed. Even thought these two characters come from the same family, they are almost polar opposites; this gives a reader a contrast that they can track throughout the book. Finally, I like the idea of Ade Coker.  He is a very happy man with a playful relationship with his child. This contrasts Papa's relationship with Kambili-- controlling and serious. 


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