Trump VS. Amazon

The article that I decided to read was on The Washington Post, called, "Trump accuses Amazon of ‘Post Office scam,’ falsely says The Post is company’s lobbyist"  by Philip Rucker. The article is about Trump's claims against Amazon and The Post. The author says that Trump is accusing Amazon of causing the U.S. Postal service to lose money because they have a reduced price agreement with the postal service. The author also states that the president incorrectly says that Jeffrey P. Bezos uses The Post as a lobbyist for Amazon because he owns both companies; Rucker states that The Post and Amazon are run independently. 

I agree with what Rucker says. The article says that Trump lashes out at Amazon because of the news coverage of The Post, as The Post is liberal and Trump is conservative. Also, there seems to be a direct correlation between a negative post towards Trump on The Post and Trump's rants towards Amazon. I feel as this is not a valid way to assess a company and newspaper just because of the political view. Secondly, Trump says that The Post should register as a lobbyist towards Amazon, but in fact The Post is not a lobbyist towards Amazon as the companies are run independently. The article also says that Trump keeps advancing on the fact that Amazon is losing the post office money, although officials keep assuring him that the agreement is profitable towards the post office. If officials are confirming that the agreement is valid, the fact that Trump doesn't agree with them seems debatable. Although the article is posted on The Post, all of their claims are backed up with true evidence. I chose this source because I used a Washington Post article in my research paper, and I really liked the writing and The Post's website; it was very user friendly, and it contained many interesting articles. I chose this article topic because I am an Amazon shopper, so I wanted to see Trump's views on the topic and see what The Post had to say about it. Overall, the topic is controversial yet intriguing.  


  1. I like how you chose this article based off of a simple interest as an Amazon shopper. You did a great job of thoroughly explaining the article and noticing the underlying liberal versus conservative views.

  2. I like how you chose this article off of what you had wanted to do. I like the great detail you put into explaining the article and its significance. I hope to learn more about this new topic in politics.


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