Hits and Misses

One piece of writing that I enjoyed was the personal narrative. I like the element of personal experience and vivid detail. Not only are personal narratives engaging to read, but they are enjoyable to write. I feel as personal narratives are very personal (obviously) and sentimental in some way, and I enjoyed sharing that in my paper. Another type of writing that I enjoy are research papers. At first, I was not excited to go through the research topics because I thought it would be boring, hard work, and very tedious. As I went through the process I realized that it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I enjoyed that the students got to choose their own topics, so that it is engaging to them; this makes students more motivated to complete their task. Also, I realized that the process is tedious, but it was totally worth it in the end. The final draft is a polished piece of intricate writing that one can be proud about, and thats how I felt when I finished my paper.

One "miss" that I encountered this year was the literary analysis. Although the prompt was engaging, I felt as my overall paper was subpar. I felt this because I struggled with coming up with a strong analysis that supported my claims. Also, I felt as if my arguments weren't as strong as I wish them to be. Nonetheless, my paper turned out the be a decent paper. Another piece of writing that I felt I didn't learn much from were reading responses for blog posts. The first couple of posts on this topics were helpful, but as we kept doing them, they felt repetitive. I also struggled with talking about my response to the novel, as I kept wanting to summarize. Even though these two types of writing were a challenge for me, I still learned a lot from each of them. 


  1. I agree that the literary analysis was probably the hardest paper we've done! I'm glad your paper turned out okay!


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