Strengths and Challenges

My strengths as a writers are conventions, writing personal narratives, and writing poetry.
I have always been fairly good at grammar and spelling since I was young, so that hasn't been a problem for me. Also I am fairly decent at writing personal narratives. At first, I struggled with developing and incorporating vivid detail, but after I practiced writing it, it was easier for me. Finally, one of my strengths is writing poetry. I love poetry! I feel as that it is a nice way to express your feelings and emotions, or just to simply tell a story. I also love the flexibility with poetry; you can have all lowercase letters, random line breaks, and enjambments, and it's acceptable! I especially love to use repetition in my pieces. All of these laments are important because they shape me as a better writer. Bring ankle to write poetry and personal narratives can help me express myself to others and share my knowledge. Also without grammar and conventions, the piece was be incoherent and wouldn't make much sense. 

My challenges or weaknesses as a writer would be sentence fluency, voice, and word choice. Whenever I write an essay, it always seems that I struggle with sentence fluency. It is a challenge for me to smoothly connect sentences together to make nice transitions. I feel as blogs (frequent, short writing) has helped me improve this skill greatly. I also struggle with establishing a voice. I strive to create a unique voice and style of writing, but that is still under construction. Finally, I struggle with word choice. Whenever someone peer checks or Dr. D revises my essay, I also get a comment on word choice. For some reason, it is hard for me to find the quintessential word to use in the context. All of these areas are important because they bring your piece together. An essay would be unpleasant to read if it was choppy and disorganized. It would also be hard to comprehend if the words are not quintessential. Hopefully, as I start to wrote more polished pieces, I will be able to strengthen all of my weakenesses. 


  1. There are so many things you can do in poems! I also tend to use repetition in my poetry (more specifically, anaphora), which I find helps the poem have a more direct tone.


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